Attendance And Participation Policies


Regular attendance in lectures is seen as integral to student success. Students are expected to come to the scheduled classes in time. The instructors will monitor the students’ attendance and keep the records. Instructors should ensure that students are advised of all attendance and other requirements at the beginning of each course. Each program sets their own regulations to govern attendance for courses. These regulations will be stated in the course outline. In some courses/programs, attendance may be part of the evaluation which determines the final grade.
Students enrolled in the programs of United Pacific College are required to adhere to the following attendance policy during the entire study period:
1. The minimum attendance requirements for students are as follows:
· Students are required to attend a 70% of the Instructor Led Theory classes, tests/quizzes/assignments, and labs as described in the course outlines.

2. The consequences for students who do not meet the minimum attendance requirements listed above are as follows:
· Students who are absent from any classes, tests/quizzes/assignments, and labs are responsible for completing their learning materials on their own time.
· Failure to meet the requirements will result in a student failing a course, receiving a lower grade or being required to withdraw from the course.
· Instructor/Senior Educational Administrator is under no obligation to repeat  allow make-up tests/quizzes/assignments for unexcused absences.

3. The process by which students must report an absence is as follows:
· Student should notify the college via WeChat or phone regarding his/her absence in advance.
· For the reason of medical emergency, a valid doctor’s note is required of a student  who has three (3) or more consecutive days of absence from regular classes, and

schedule with instructor indicating how the missed hours or tests/quizzes/assignments will be made-up.
· If the reason for absence is other than a medical emergency, then student should inform the college as well as the instructor regarding the absence, and prepare a schedule indicating how the missed hours or tests/quizzes/assignments will be mad-up.



Context and Purpose

This Policy and its related Procedure address expectations about attendance, timeliness, participation and other, similar requirements of UPC applicants and students while they are enrolled in a course or involved in other educational activities such as work experience.

This Policy acknowledges the broad range of requirements that may be appropriate for difference subject areas and different learning methodologies.

Scope and Limits

This Policy and its related Procedures applies to all programs and courses offered through UPC.

Statement of Policy Principles

1. To achieve success, applicants and students must meet certain requirements which may include timeliness, and participation in theory and practice.

2. Failure to meet the requirements may result in a student failing a course, receiving a lower grade or being required to withdraw from the course.


Attendance requirements: Regular attendance in lectures is seen as integral to student success. Students are expected to come to the scheduled classes in time. The instructors will monitor the students’ attendance and keep the records. Instructors should ensure that students are advised of all attendance and other requirements at the beginning of each course. Each program sets their own regulations to govern attendance for courses. These regulations will be stated in the course outline. In some courses/programs, attendance may be part of the evaluation which determines the final grade.

Excused absences: Excused absences are absences reported in advance of the absence, wherever possible, or that suitable documentation be provided to support the absence. All other absences will be reported as unexcused absences.

Participation: refers to active involvement in all scheduled activities which can include participation in discussions, participation in group work, submission of assignments, and online or distributed learning activities.

Timeliness: refers to attendance in class, arrival on time for class, returning in a timely manner from breaks.


1. The attendance and Participation requirements will be included in the Program Content Guide, and/or Course Outline.

2. Instructors will comply with the requirements established by their programs.

3. Each program establishes the maximum number and types of instances of absence and lateness. The students’ attendance will affect their participation scores that contribute to their final grades.

4. Students who wish to appeal a decision under this policy that affects their final grade may appeal their grade through the College’s Policy of Grades Appeal.


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