Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition Policies


To support and enhancePriorLearningAssessment Recognition Policyat United Pacific College.


United PacificCollegerecognizes PriorLearningAssessment and Recognition as onemeans forstudents to completetheir courseofstudy.

UPC can grant credit towards aprogram orcourse(s) forlearningacquired through experienceornon-formaleducation/training.

This policyapplies to allstudents, students support services andeducational divisions.


1. UPC in conjunction withthe appropriateProgramDirectors and Registrarwill establish program PLAR guidelineand implementation procedures.
2. PriorLearningAssessment and Recognition information will bemade availableto all students through the college web site,and brochures.
3. PLARguideline will beavailable from theProgram office.
4. PriorLearningAssessment and Recognition creditwill be recognized as formal credit on astudent’s transcript in accordance with thecollegegradingpolicy.
5. Gradesgenerated from PLAR will not bedesignated as PLAR on astudenttranscript.
All students gradingwill followgradingpolicy.
6. Students requestingPriorLearningAssessment and Recognition must applyand meet all the entrancerequirements orbe acceptedforaUPC program priorto requestingPLAR.
7. Students can applyforPriorLearningAssessmentand Recognition forup to 50%ofa program.
8. Students requestingacombination exemption,transfer, and PriorLearningAssessment and Recognition can onlycombinethesethreeoptions to themaximums stated in seven (7) above.
9. Credit will be awarded onlyifthestudent has provided evidenceofsufficient and current learningas specified bytheProgram PLAR guidelines.
10. Non-refundable, non-transferableassessment feeswill belevied forPLAR.Fees vary dependingon thetypeofassessment.
11. Current grade appeal policies applyto priorLearningAssessment and Recognition.
12. Students can withdrawtheir request forpriorlearningup to, but not includingthedateof assessment.Thestudentwill be refunded theirPLAR feeminus aprocessingfee.

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