Retail Marketing Management

Retail Marketing Management

Our Career Training in Retail Marketing Management is an intensive training that introduces students with the evolving nature of retailing, including up-to-date data, current and Canadian examples, and cutting edge information on trends in retailing.  Focusing on a broad spectrum of retailers, students uniquely examine key strategic issues with an emphasis on the financial considerations and store management issues that are particular to the Canadian experience.   

This training covers three major courses: 1. Retail Marketing Management I (25 hours); 2. Retail Marketing Management II (25 hours); 3. Retail Digital Marketing (30 hours). 

Retail Marketing Management I (25 hours)

Course Description

This course is first part of Retail Marketing Management that gives the student to explore the basic retail business concept and retail strategies. This training is starting with global trends and narrowing the focus to North American issues and ultimately examining the most important issues facing British Columbia and Vancouver retail sectors. Students will able to explain and apply strategies for building and maintaining customer loyalty through branding, websites, social media and exemplary customer service.

Prerequisite: None

Description of Modules

Chapter  1

Introduction to the world of retailing

Chapter  2

Types of Retailers

Chapter  3

Customer values, services and retailing technologies

Chapter  4

Retail market strategy overview

Chapter  5

The retail environment: a situational and competitive analysis

Chapter  6

Retail locations Strategy – trade area decisions and site assessment

Chapter  7

Store design, layout, and visual merchandising strategy

Chapter  8

International retailing strategy


Retail Marketing Management II (25 hours)

Course Description

This course is second part of Retail Marketing Management that focuses on retail financial management and store management. This course will enable students to design a store layout by applying the basic principle of merchandise and buying strategies, and analyze profit path, merchandise turnover and other measures used to assess retailer’s financial performance. In addition, the legal, ethical and sustainable issues and their impact on retailing will be covered and discussed in this course.

Prerequisite: Retail Marketing Management I or equivalent.

Description of Modules

Chapter  1

Retail financial strategy

Chapter  2

Retail information systems and supply chain management

Chapter  3

Retail merchandise management

Chapter  4

Buying strategies

Chapter  5

Retail pricing

Chapter  6

Human resource management and staff training issues

Chapter  7

Building customer loyalty: customer relationship management and service strategies

Chapter  8

Developing an effective integrated retail communication mix


Retail Digital Marketing (30 hours)

Course Description

This course provides the student with retail e-Marketing techniques and strategies that can help any forward-thinking organization be competitive in today's business environment. Key areas that promise to leverage the power of Internet are: customer relationship management (CRM); 1:1 marketing; permission-based e-mail marketing; viral marketing; attributes of a good Website and Website marketing goals; Website promotion/search engine positioning/ranking, and key Internet technologies/terminologies/acronyms.

Prerequisite: Retail Marketing Management II or equivalent.

Description of Modules

Chapter  1

Introduction to E-Marketing

Chapter  2

Strategic E-Marketing and Performance Metrics

Chapter  3

The E-Marketing Plan

Chapter  4

Global E-Marketing

Chapter  5

Ethical and Legal Issues

Chapter  6

E-Marketing Research

Chapter  7

Consumer Behavior Online 

Chapter  8

Segmentation, Targeting, Differentiation, and Positioning Strategies

Chapter  9

Product: The Online Offer

Chapter 10

Price: The Online Value

Chapter 11

The Internet for Distribution

Chapter 12

E-Marketing Communication

Chapter 13

Customer Relationship Management on e-business


Marking Scheme

This course has in-class exercises weights 25%, assignments weighs 50%, and one final project weigh 25% toward the final grade.

Instructors have the discretion to make changes to the marking scheme deemed necessary. For details, please refer to individual class syllabus.

Grading scale:


94 – 100%


75 –   79%


90 –   93%


70 –   74%


86 –   89%


60 –   69%


83 –   85%


   0 –   59%


80 –   82%




Total Training Hours: 80 hours
Training Frequency: 3 hours at one time; twice a week; schedule with trainers
Training Durati 3600.00
Instructors / Trainers: Jeff Chiang / TBA
Class Capacity:

On-campus Training: Maximum 15 students per class

On-site Training: Maximum 10 students


Contact Us

Call us: Phone: +1 604-736-2378
United Pacific College
#2010-#2015 8888 odlin Cres
Richmond BC
V6X 3Z8
Or send us an email E-mail:
+1 604-736-2378