operational marketing

  Operational Marketing

Our Career Training in Operational Marketing is an intensive training that introduces students how to use tactics that convey the strategic message to meet the strategic goals of your company. As we all know that a marketing campaign consists of strategic and operational, or tactical, marketing activities. The operational marketing is including the products, retail price points, discounted price points, promotions, advertising, customer service, point-of-sale locations to achieve the company’s strategic marketing goals.
This training covers three major courses: 1. Operational Marketing I (25 hours); 2. Operational Marketing II (25 hours); 3. Operational Marketing III (30 hours). 

Operational Marketing I (25 hours)

Course Description
This course is first part of Operational Marketing that provides students with a basis for understanding the marketing communications process, how it influences consumer decision making, and how to develop promotional strategies.  Students will be able to create the integrated marketing communication plan to meet their company strategic marketing goals.

Prerequisite: None

Description of Modules

Chapter  1

Integrated marketing communications (IMC)

Chapter  2

Organizing for integrated marketing communications: Role of Agencies

Chapter  3

Consumer behaviour and target audience decisions

Chapter  4

Communication response models

Chapter  5

Objectives for the integrated marketing communication plan

Chapter  6

Brand positioning strategy decisions

Chapter  7

Creative strategy decision

Chapter  8

Creative tactics decisions

Chapter  9

Measuring the effectiveness of the promotional message


Operational Marketing II (25 hours)

Course Description
This course is second part of Operational Marketing that provides the opportunity to develop a complete communications plan from the situation analysis to creative solutions. Reviews the role of strategic planning as it applies to media, creative, sales promotion and research.

Operational Marketing I or equivalent.

Description of Modules

Chapter  1

Media planning and budgeting for IMC

Chapter  2

Broadcast media

Chapter  3

Print media

Chapter  4

Out-of-home and support media

Chapter  5

Sales promotion

Chapter  6

Public relations

Chapter  7

Direct marketing

Chapter  8

Internet media

Chapter  9

Regulatory, ethical, social, and economic issues for IMC


Operational Marketing III (30 hours)

Course Description
This course explores the basic fundamentals of selling from a Canadian perspective. This training provides students with the foundation for understanding the entire selling process including selling as a profession, preparation for relationship selling, the relationship selling process, and keys to successful selling career. State-of-the-art selling strategies, practices and techniques are presented in a "how-to" fashion. This course also includes up-to-date content on integrating technology and social media in selling, real world examples of sales professionals in Industry Perspectives, sales applications, exercises, role plays, and cases.

Operational Marketing II or equivalent.

Description of Modules

Chapter  1

Relationship selling opportunities in the information economy

Chapter  2

Evolution of selling models that complement the marketing concept

Chapter  3

Creating value with a relationship strategy

Chapter  4

Creating product solutions

Chapter  5

Product-Selling strategies that add value

Chapter  6

Developing a customer strategy

Chapter  7

Approaching the customer with adaptive selling

Chapter  8

Determining value with the consultative demonstration

Chapter  9

Negotiating buyer concerns

Chapter 10

Adapting the close and confirming the partnership

Chapter 11

Servicing the sale and building the partnership


Marking Scheme
This course has in-class exercises weights 25%, assignments weighs 50%, and one final project weigh 25% toward the final grade.
Instructors have the discretion to make changes to the marking scheme deemed necessary. For details, please refer to individual class syllabus.

Grading scale:


94 – 100%


75 –   79%


90 –   93%


70 –   74%


86 –   89%


60 –   69%


83 –   85%


   0 –   59%


80 –   82%




Total Training Hours: 80 hours
Training Frequency: 3 hours at one time; twice a week; schedule with trainers
Training Duration: 14 weeks
Delivery Method:   On-Campus or On-Sit (send trainers to participants’ workplace)
Tuition Fee: $3600.00
Instructors / Trainers:  Jeff Chiang / TBA
Class Capacity:

  • · On-campus Training: Maximum 15 students per class
  • · On-site Training: Maximum 10 students


Contact Us

Call us: Phone: +1 604-736-2378
United Pacific College
#2010-#2015 8888 odlin Cres
Richmond BC
V6X 3Z8
Or send us an email E-mail: info.upccollege@gmail.com
+1 604-736-2378